Stevia is a versatile, natural, zero-calorie sweetening ingredient. General benefits of this product include that it's a naturally derived sweetener, cost effective, minimal waste, and sustainable grow and supply chain practices. Functional benefits include the ability to replace sugar in applications with a zero calorie replacement.
Know more information, please contact us now sales@tailijie.com.cn
Stevia RA90%,RA95%,RA98%,RA99%
SG 95% RA40% ,RA50%,RA60%,RA80%,RA90%
SG 90% RA40%,RA50%,RA60%
STV 90%%,98%
RD 95%-98%
Appearance:White crystals
Know more information, please contact us now sales@tailijie.com.cn
The caloric value of stevioside is only 1/300 of that of sucrose. It is not absorbed after ingestion into the human body and does not produce heat. It is a sweetener suitable for patients with diabetes and obesity. Used in confectionery, cakes, beverages, solid beverages, fried snacks, seasonings, preserves.
Know more information, please contact us now sales@tailijie.com.cn
1.Low calori,natural and healthy;
2.Different mesh size and different active ingredient Stevia RA,SG,STV,RD;
3.Less cost on using stevia;
4.Good solubleness.
Know more information, please contact us now sales@tailijie.com.cn