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The application of dietary fiber in ice cream is not just about reducing sugar

Date: 2024-08-08 09:39  Author: tailijie

In the hot summer, it is the peak season for ice cream consumption.

Data shows that the sales volume of China's ice cream market will be 57.478 billion yuan in 2023. The market size is expected to maintain an upward trend year by year in the next five years, and the scale will exceed 70 billion yuan by 2028.

Although ice cream is delicious, it also brings a "sweet burden". Driven by the concept of health and wellness, consumers have paid more attention to the sugar and fat content of ice cream.

The ice cream market has also set off a "healthy trend" of low sugar, low fat, high protein and all-natural, providing more choices for consumers who pursue health and body management. Data shows that the sales growth rate of low-sugar ice cream in JD Supermarket has reached 308% in the past year.

Application of water-soluble dietary fiber in ice cream

As a non-starch polysaccharide polymer, soluble dietary fiber usually gives product process advantages or health advantages in market competition due to its low energy, high fiber, and ability to regulate intestinal function.

In ice cream products, soluble dietary fiber can replace sugar and fat, effectively improve product texture and taste, and make the flavor easier to release.

Sucrose replacement: Sucrose is usually used as a sweetener and thickener in ice cream applications, while glucose syrup is used to control sucrose crystallization. When replacing sucrose and glucose syrup, the solid content, texture and cream, taste and freezing properties of ice cream should not be affected. If the freezing point is too low, the ice cream will be too soft; if the freezing point is too high, the ice cream will be too hard. Therefore, sugar substitutes must achieve a similar freezing effect in order to develop good ice cream products.

Tailijie soluble dietary fiber has some properties of sugar, but is not absorbed by the human body. It is a good substitute in food applications.

Fat replacement effect: As a water-soluble dietary fiber and high-quality filler, dietary fiber can partially replace sucrose and fat and be used to develop low-calorie, low-sugar and low-fat foods.

Freezing point correction: Tailijie dietary fiber can lower the freezing point of food and obtain the ideal hardness. At the same time, it also has a certain low-temperature protection effect, protecting the product from the destructive physical effects of freezing.

Moisturizing effect: Tailijie dietary fiber can improve the anti-aging property of the product, play a moisturizing role, and avoid water loss.

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